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College News

TBC News

Educational Trip to Singapore

Educational Trip to Singapore EMBA students from TBC embarked on an educational trip to Singapore which comprised of all the ingredients of a successful Academia-Industry interface. A particularly successful seminar hosted a top professional of Academia and Industry from Singapore, Mr. Sadikin Wang Chan Wei, Chief Executive Officer of First Engineering Limited in Singapore.

Created at: 2018-04-27 06:02:08


The British College Brings Home British Alfa Beta Cup 2018

The British College Brings Home British Alfa Beta Cup 2018 The British College collaborated with Alfa Beta Institute Pvt. Ltd., and organised the first ever “British Alfa Beta Cup 2018: Inter College Futsal Tournament” on the 23th & 24th April 2018 at Dhanwatari Futsal, Dhumbarahi.

Created at: 2018-04-26 07:39:46


Academic Guest Lecture Series: Rajendra Khetan

Academic Guest Lecture Series: Rajendra Khetan The British College(TBC) hosted a lecture on 22nd April 2018 with a special guest speaker, Mr. Rajendra Khetan, multi-generational entrepreneur from the Khetan group.

Created at: 2018-04-24 07:09:14




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